Thematic and Area Studies Options

学生 will select one thematic and one area studies option. The purpose of the area option within the program is to expand the student's knowledge beyond their home culture. 学生 will select each option in agreement with the Program Director.

Thematic Options:

Global Human Rights and Justice

This thematic option encourages students to study the history, 理论, 目标, and practice of international human rights and the extent to which they have been either protected or violated by justice systems world wide.  This interdisciplinary option is ideal for students interested in careers related to social justice, global welfare, conflict resolution, and the protection of human rights.

Global Strategic Studies

Strategic studies is an interdisciplinary option centered on the study of conflict and peace strategies.  It provides information about geopolitical, geoeconomic, and military developments that could lead to conflict and promotes the development of polices that further global peace and security.  学生 selecting this option may be interested in careers in the military, foreign service, or conflict resolution.

Global Resources, Development and the Environment

This interdisciplinary option combines economic, scientific, and social science approaches to globalization, including issues of developmental policies and consequences, resource allocation, global health, population growth, and environmental sustainability.  学生 selecting this option may find careers in a wide variety of fields such as health care, environmental protection, supply chain management, or marketing.

Area Studies Options:

Europe; Latin America; Asia, Africa, and the Middle East; North America